Buy Quality New Zealand Honey

What makes New Zealand honey so good?

Aotearoa (New Zealand) has a diverse and unique range of flora, some of which is native to New Zealand. Each of our plants produces its own type of nectar that our bees turn into honey. The honey from each of these different plants has its own distinctive color, texture and flavor.

Taste the different flavors of New Zealand’s landscapes today!

Check out what we have to offer

  • Quality Manuka honey

    Manuka honey has been scientifically proven to contain antibacterial properties, making it nature’s tastiest medicine. The quality of Manuka is measured by determining the levels of Methylglyoxal, the organic compound responsible for the antibacterial properties, that are in the honey. Look out for the MGO or UMF ratings to ensure you are getting quality Manuka honey.

  • Unique flavors

    Are you searching for a jar of unique honey for your household or as a gift? Visit our store to browse our diverse range of New Zealand honey. We have all types, from high-quality Manuka to bush blends and coastal Pohutakwa. We even have some local BC honey from our hives here in British Columbia. Visit our online store and have a look.

  • Commercial orders

    We have exclusive access to not only our own honey but honey from other beekeepers as well. Get in touch if you would like to order honey in bulk. We can import and have access to branded pre-packaged honey and unbranded bulk honey in 33-gallon drums. We can even organize packaging honey in jars with your very own label.